Join the Title App Affiliate Program: A Lucrati...
Are you a real estate agent, automotive sales professional, veterinarian, pet groomer, or social media influencer looking for an exciting side hustle that leverages cutting-edge technology? Look no further! The...
Join the Title App Affiliate Program: A Lucrati...
Are you a real estate agent, automotive sales professional, veterinarian, pet groomer, or social media influencer looking for an exciting side hustle that leverages cutting-edge technology? Look no further! The...
Title insurance is burning through homebuyers' ...
Did you know that lawyers often receive 80% commission when they recommend you purchase title insurance in a real estate transaction? (This is a transcript of an interview that originally...
Title insurance is burning through homebuyers' ...
Did you know that lawyers often receive 80% commission when they recommend you purchase title insurance in a real estate transaction? (This is a transcript of an interview that originally...
The Abstraction of Title on the Blockchain away...
Title App’s innovative approach to using distributed ledgers and conducting property transactions within trusts is poised to revolutionize the real estate industry. By addressing the flaws of the current system...
The Abstraction of Title on the Blockchain away...
Title App’s innovative approach to using distributed ledgers and conducting property transactions within trusts is poised to revolutionize the real estate industry. By addressing the flaws of the current system...
The Title App: Empowering Developing Nations an...
In many developing countries, land ownership is a complex and often disputed issue. Corruption, legal loopholes, and lack of infrastructure have made it difficult for marginalized communities to secure their...
The Title App: Empowering Developing Nations an...
In many developing countries, land ownership is a complex and often disputed issue. Corruption, legal loopholes, and lack of infrastructure have made it difficult for marginalized communities to secure their...
Exploring the Virtual Real Estate Frontier: Sec...
“The concept of virtual property rights is becoming increasingly relevant as more companies sell virtual real estate and as developers find new applications for virtual reality.”
Exploring the Virtual Real Estate Frontier: Sec...
“The concept of virtual property rights is becoming increasingly relevant as more companies sell virtual real estate and as developers find new applications for virtual reality.”
Introducing the Escrow Locker: How a multi-sign...
The Escrow Locker helps make sure that property transactions with digital certificates are secure and that the right people are involved in the process.
Introducing the Escrow Locker: How a multi-sign...
The Escrow Locker helps make sure that property transactions with digital certificates are secure and that the right people are involved in the process.